What Your Bichon Frise Dog Says About You

2009 March 7

You may not have thought about it, but the fact is that everything about your dog-its breed, size, personality, training, diet, grooming, and so on-reveals a great deal about you, for better or for worse. Bichon Frise dogs are purebred dogs and in the past, purebred dogs were an issue of status. Today many would judge people who get purebreds as individuals who like to plan their lives and think ahead. The value of a purebred is that you can predict, not only what a dog will look like, but its temperament and behavior. When we decided to get our Bichon – Luna, we wanted her to a purebred dog because of this exact reason- we wanted to know what her personality and temperament were going to be like so we would know why she is the way she is and why she does what she does as it is much more difficult to predict the characteristics and traits of a mixed breed. Read More.

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