Traveling With Your New Bichon Frise Puppy

2009 January 3

Traveling with your new Bichon Frise puppy can be both exciting and comforting. You have the ease of knowing your puppy is with you and taken care of rather than leaving the pup at the vets or at an animal boarding facility. To help the experience become more enjoyable for everyone involved, here are a few recommendations to consider traveling with your new Bichon Frise puppy.

For car travel, Bichon Frise breeders recommend having a large kennel in the car. This allows the pup to feel secure without being confined in a super-small space. The kennel will also allow for added safety as well. Having your Bichon Frise pup in the kennel is much safer than having him roaming around the car unprotected. We recommend that when traveling by car that you use airline-grade pet travel kennels.

When we first started taking car rides with our Bichon Luna, we would take a large towel and place it on our lap and have Luna sit or lay down on our lap. Doing this allowed us to bond with Luna and help get her comfortable in the car. One thing you will need to be aware of is that little puppies will get car sick so be prepared for this. Keep extra towels and paper towels handy to clean up the mess. Keep cool and don’t get upset with your Bichon puppy if he/she gets car sick as this is something they cannot help but will out grow the more you take them for car rides.
To read more traveling with your Bichon puppy tips visit here.

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